A queer space opera.

In the not-so-distant future, tensions between humanity and the alien Ornos are running high. When the ship carrying diplomats from each planet is sabotaged, can the survivors come together to get home and stop the impending war?

Who are we?

We’re a team of two, a writer and an artist (who sometimes writes, too) who are just as sick as you are of feeling excluded by series that we love. Where are the trans characters? The aces? The adventures? The stories you actually want to read?

They’re here. Because we made them.

We can promise you comics with no surprise transphobic plot twists played for laughs, where queer perspectives are front and centre and queer characters shape the plot.

You in?

“We Need More Queer Webcomics Like Crash and Burn in Our Lives”

Terra Necessary, Pride.com

“Luckily, as the political landscape changes so, too, do the landscapes of galaxies far away.”

Mars Tonic, Gay Calgary Magazine